Melanie Coetzee - Biokineticist​
Biokinetics is not just for sports rehabilitation. It is also for all your Cardiac, Sport, Orthopaedic, Metabolic Rehabilitation and overall wellness.
Melanie provides the following services:
Prescribing Injury prevention programs for individuals
Clinical assessment and prescription of functional exercise programs for the rehabilitation of the neck, back, shoulder, hip, knee and ankle injuries
Pre and post operative rehabilitation
Special populations and-physical ability assessment
Assessment and prescriptions of safe exercise programs for Children, Pre and post natal, pregnant women and for the Elderly and workforce in general
Chronic Conditions
Clinical Assessment and prescription of appropriate exercise programmes
Prevention and management of conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis hypertension, Parkinson’s, respiratory disorders, obesity and muscular dystrophy, Cardiac and stroke rehabilitation
Wellness – Physical Health Promotion and Preventative Treatment
The assessment of health risk factors and implementation of intervention strategies to improve personal and employee wellness
Health promotion creates a culture of healthy lifestyle changes in both the individual and the company
Sport Performance
Sport specific testing and conditioning of sports men and woman to improve endurance, speed, flexibility, agility, power, strength and reaction times
Fitness Assessments for Medical Aids